
Join KNWSA and participate in addressing water issues in our watersheds. In the months and years to come, your participation in meetings, forums, and special events will help create the direction of our Association. All residents of our watersheds are welcome to join.

One-year Memberships purchased now are valid until the Annual Meeting in the spring of 2024. Three and five year memberships are valid until the Annual Meeting of 2026 and 2028 respectively.

Regular Members are entitled to vote at Annual and Special Meetings of the Association. They are eligible to stand for election to the Board of Directors and the Executive. They shall receive all newsletters.

Corporate Members may not vote at meetings, but shall receive special recognition for their support in newsletters or like media. They are listed on our corporate members page and shall receive regular newsletters.

Youth Members, those less than 18 years of age, cannot vote, but are encouraged to become engaged in watershed issues and activities. An incentive will be made available for youth memberships.

Membership Form


Payment Options:


Membership Options

Or mail a cheque to PO Box 187, Kensington, PEI, C0B 1M0