The recently renamed Kensington Water Management Committee was formed in 2014 to work with residents of the Town of Kensington to create a water conservation strategy. The Kensington North Watersheds Association (KNWSA) in partnership with the Town of Kensington, received funding from Environment Canada’s EcoAction program for the project. The committee is made up of residents, Councillors, and staff from the Town of Kensington, and receives administrative support from KNWSA.
In 2014, the committee conducted a survey of households on water use, provided information on water conservation, and held a draw for ten rain barrels and a free month of water and wastewater service. During committee meetings held last winter, the committee determined that water safety is an issue that goes hand in hand with water conservation for Kensington.
For 2015, the committee is working closely with the PEI Dept. of Communities, Land and Environment to renew the Well Field Protection Plan, and to inform residents how they may dispose of household hazardous waste. A staff member from KNWSA will be conducting household visits with many town residents to discuss water conservation and hazardous household material disposal issues.
“We are quite happy to be working with Kensington North on these important water issues. We currently do not have a problem with water safety or water conservation, but we certainly welcome the opportunity to be pro-active and minimize our risks” says Geoff Baker, Manager for the Town of Kensington.
“With proper planning and preparation, the Town of Kensington will be in a better position to manage its water. Unpredictable and unlikely events do occasionally happen, and those who are prepared are usually affected the least” says Water Management Committee Chair Gordon Jenkins.
The article can be found online in The County Line Courier, Vol. 23, No. 12, Pg. 03.